40 Frugal Living Tips To Help You Save Money

by Samara

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frugal living

There are many ways to live frugally. The key is to find the strategies that work for you and your lifestyle. In this blog post, we will discuss 40 tips on how to save money on common purchases by using coupons, buying in bulk when possible, and more!

Table of Contents

What is frugal living?

The word “frugal” comes from the Latin root word for “thrifty”, which means to be careful about spending your money.

So simply put, frugal living can be defined as a lifestyle that is geared towards saving money.

A lot of people think that frugality is an outdated, old-fashioned way of living. But the truth is, you can still enjoy things while being mindful and intentional with how much money you spend on them. When it comes down to it, there are a few different ways that being frugal can help you save money.

Frugal living encourages you to live below your means, which in turn helps you save more of what you have and spend less on impulse purchases or things like expensive coffee each day.

Can frugality make you rich?

Frugality is not the same as living on nothing. It should be considered a spending plan, not something like a strict budget.

Frugal living is best for accumulating wealth rather than spending it and good frugal habits can lead to wealth if you apply them correctly.

Living frugally means less stress, more time, and a lower risk of financial hardship in the future.

Benefits of frugal living

Frugal living can help you save money and build wealth. Frugal living supports a mindset of contentment, simplicity, personal responsibility, and self-reliance.

The benefits of frugal living are often understated or overlooked in modern society but they’re well worth it for those who choose to pursue the lifestyle.

People who live a frugal lifestyle can save 20% or more on their annual household spending which translates to tens of thousands of dollars saved over the course of one’s lifetime.

Frugal living is not extreme, nor does it have to involve deprivation but rather practicing moderation and making intentional decisions about what we consume and how we live.

Frugal living can also help you build wealth over the course of your life by paying down debt, investing in stocks and bonds, as well as saving money for future education or retirement. Frugal living helps us take responsibility for our individual lives and for the future of our families.

Does frugal mean cheap?

Frugal does not mean cheap. Frugal living is about making conscious decisions that help you to save money in the long term and live within your means. So frugality has nothing to do with being stingy or depriving yourself of things you want. It’s about looking for ways to make smart purchases while also saving money.

What does it mean to live below your means?

It means to live with the intention of saving money, by spending less than you earn. This is done in many different ways including:

  • Spending time rather than money (this could mean having a chill evening at the house instead of going out)
  • Doing things yourself that you would normally pay others to do for you
  • Spending your income in a way that supports your goals and values instead of just accumulating stuff
  • Making do with what you have until you can afford to buy quality items

The idea is that by living below your means, and spending less than you earn, it creates a surplus of money which can be invested or saved. This will eventually allow for the freedom to make choices in life without having to worry about finances as much.

Is frugal positive or negative?

Frugal is neither positive nor negative. It’s simply a lifestyle choice of living within your means.

Frugal people focus on what they have, not what they don’t, and are content with this lifestyle. Frugal is about being happy as long as you’re able to provide for yourself without going too far beyond your means or more than you need. It’s about making the most of everything that comes into your life. Frugal living is not about deprivation, but rather focusing on what you have and making the best use of it.

Looking at this lifestyle from a different angle may make people consider that frugality can be seen as positive in some ways because it helps people save money so they’re more financially secure than those who are constantly spending.

Frugality can be a way to avoid having a materialistic life, and it’s easier than ever with some simple lifestyle changes. Yet frugal living isn’t something that people are often encouraged for being part of our society – instead, we’re taught to spend our money on things we don’t need.

When it comes to frugality, many may think that it only applies to a certain group of people or that it would be hard for them to make changes if they tried. However, most people don’t have anything holding them back from living frugal and can start in almost any area of their life.

It’s important not to think about how much you’re saving as the ultimate goal. Instead, think about how much you’re spending and where your money goes. Frugality is a habit, not something that’s just going to happen overnight. So be patient with yourself as it may take some time before you start seeing the benefits of being frugal.

Is frugal living worth it?

Absolutely! If you are willing to make small sacrifices now to be able to enjoy a comfortable and happier life in the future then yes, frugal living is worth it.

There are many benefits to living a frugal lifestyle. Frugal people can live on less, and they have more time for other things in life. It’s amazing how much easier it is to manage your money when you don’t spend frivolously all the time!

Regardless of whether you want to live a more extravagant lifestyle or not, it’s important to know the benefits and drawbacks of being frugal before making any decisions. Frugal living is not always the best solution to every problem, but it can be helpful in certain situations.

How can I be frugal and still have fun?

As I mentioned earlier, frugal living does not mean depriving yourself of the things you love. Instead, it’s about doing things in moderation and knowing when to say “no” to spending money.

The first step for being a frugal living enthusiast is figuring out what your limit is when it comes to the amount of money you can spend on things that are not necessities, and then sticking with this number. For example, if you decide $100 per month is all the money you want to spend on entertainment, then stick to this number.

Know your limit and stick to it.

Frugal living teaches us to be mindful of how much we spend on things. And it helps teach people the value of saving their hard-earned cash for what they really want or need in life, rather than using all their savings up right away.

40 Frugal Living Tips To Help You Save Money

1. Buy in bulk when it’s cheaper and store it for later use

Shopping at wholesale retailers like BJ’s or Costco is often very cost-effective. Buying non-perishables, toiletries, and cleaning supplies in bulk can save you money in the long run.

2. Use a reusable water bottle instead of buying bottled water

Instead of buying water and other beverages in disposable plastic bottles or cans, use a reusable bottle to save money. This way you won’t have to pay for the purchase each time, plus it’s better for the environment too!

3. Cook at home more often

If you want to go a step further, consider saving even more by making your own food! With some time and creativity, eating healthy is possible without going over budget.

One of the areas we often overspend the most is food. Eating out multiple times per day really adds up! If you cook at home more often, it will cut down on the number of meals eaten out and help you save money.

4. Downsize your home

If you live in a large home, consider downsizing. Not only will it reduce your housing costs and mortgage payments for the smaller place, but you’ll also save on utilities and maintenance expenses.

5. Get rid of cable TV if you don’t watch much television

Cable TV is expensive and somehow every time the bill comes there’s always some new fee or price change! That was enough for me to get rid of cable and I haven’t looked back since.

If you want a cheaper alternative to cable, check out SlingTV. For less than $40 per month, you can watch almost all of your favorite cable channels. Sign up for SlingTV and get $15 off and $5 off for the next 3 months!

6. Keep an eye on your credit card balance so that you don’t spend too much without realizing it

Should you even have a credit card if you’re on your frugal living journey? Probably not. Credit cards can keep you in debt if you’re not careful about your spending.

But if you do keep a credit card, make sure the balances are paid off every month.

7. Start a garden to save on fresh produce costs

Fresh produce can be expensive, but if you have a green thumb and live in an area that’s right for gardening then consider starting your own garden.

It might take some time to get going, but once it starts producing there should be plenty of fresh vegetables available for you and your family.

8. Plan staycations to save on travel costs

Staying close to home can be just as fun and exciting as going somewhere far away.

Look into local events, museums, restaurants, or activities that are in your area.

It will help you get a better feel for what’s around you without spending the big bucks it takes to go on vacation outside of your area.

9. Replace old light bulbs with LED lights for energy efficiency and lower power bills

LED light bulbs are not only more energy-efficient than other kinds of lights, but they also last much longer.

So if you’re in the market for a new bulb to replace an old one then consider switching it out with an LED light bulb instead.

This will help your power bills stay lower and reduce the amount of wasted electricity from your home.

10. Get rid of clutter around the house, including old clothes, shoes, and books

One of the easiest ways to save money and declutter your life is by getting rid of clutter.

It will help keep everything clean and orderly while also freeing up space for new purchases which could help you save money.

Decluttering will also save money because you won’t be buying duplicates of things that you may have lost in the back of your closet.

11. Eat leftovers for lunch instead of ordering out

One of those financial mistakes that people make is buying lunch for work or school every day.

Lunches can add up quickly, but the solution to this problem is simple: just eat leftovers from dinner last night instead!

This way you’ll save money and have healthier food at the same time.

12. Walk more places

If you live within walking distance from the store or other businesses, leave the car at home and walk to do your errands.

This will save you money on gas, parking, insurance rates, vehicle repairs or replacements, as well as various other expenses that come with owning a car.

Plus it’s great for your health!

13. Purchase clothes from thrift stores instead of department stores

Brand new clothes from department stores can be expensive.

But, you may not realize that thrift stores often have the same clothes for a fraction of the price!

Plus, many times they are still in good condition and look even better than when they were originally worn before.

It’s worth checking out your local thrift store to see what you can find.

12. Take advantage of freebies

Look into things like public transportation, free museum admission, or local events that are free to attend.

13. Make sure all of your electronics are turned off when they’re not being used

Even when something is in “sleep” mode, it’s still drawing energy.

Plus, you’re paying for electricity whether or not you are using your electronics at that moment.

Simply turn off any device when you no longer need to use it and save some money!

14. Buy store brand products instead of name brands whenever possible

I’m not saying to avoid name-brand products altogether, just do your research before you buy.

In most cases, the store brands are made at the same company as their more expensive counterparts and use a cheaper formula.

But they’re usually priced lower so it’s worth giving them a try! I’ve found that some even taste better than the more expensive brands.

15. Cook large batches and freeze them for later use

Cooking a large batch of something and then freezing it is one way to save money. Eating leftovers or reheating the same meal can help cut down on your food expenses, too! Just make sure you label everything for easy identification later. I like using freezer-safe containers that have lids so my frozen items don’t get freezer burn.

16. Take care of any repairs as soon as possible

If something breaks or malfunctions, fix it right away so you don’t have to pay more if they become worse later on.

17. Put bills on autopay to avoid late fees

If you’re not able to pay your bills in full when they are due, set up autopay. It’s a great way to avoid having those pesky late fees hit you hard later on.

18. Create a budget

A budget is your best friend for saving money. When you know how much you’re spending on bills, groceries, and other monthly expenses each month, it becomes easier to save up some cash!

19. Shop at discount stores

Hit up the discount store for those deals! You can find all sorts of items there. Places like Dollar Tree are great for finding things like party supplies, or things for DIY projects around the house.

19. Buy an economy car

Find a good low maintenance car that’s reliable and gets good gas mileage.

20. Sell things that you no longer need or want

Look in that closet and start selling anything you no longer want or need. Whether it’s your old furniture, clothes, electronics, or whatever else – try making a few bucks by getting rid of items you will never use again! 

21. Get a cheaper cell phone plan

With some of the prepaid and new unlimited plans out there, you’re able to get a cheaper plan for your cell phone!

22. Increase your income

If you find that you can’t make ends meet, but you want to start frugal living, try increasing your income! Start a side hustle to bring in some extra income for as long as you need to.

23. Automate your savings

One of the best ways to start living frugally is by automating your savings! Put money into an account that you will never touch so that it can grow untouched.

Start with high-yield savings account then think about opening an investment account to earn even more compound interest.

24. DIY everything you can (safely)

You can cut your expenses by doing a lot of little things on your own. For example, you could re-paint the inside walls and trim in one day instead of hiring an hourly painter who would charge up to $150+ per hour!

I would advise you to only DIY things that you can fix without a trained professional. This way, you can save yourself some money and not potentially making the problem worse or even hurting yourself.

25. Shop with cash

When you shop with cash, it’s easier to know how much money is actually going out of your pocket.

Plus, there’s less temptation and impulse buying when you’re counting every dollar!

26. Use coupons and cashback apps

There are a lot of ways to save money by using coupons and cashback apps. Some examples would be looking on your favorite website for discounts or checking out apps like Ibotta or Rakuten before you shop!

27. Work from home

Working from home means, no commute which saves gas and wear and tear on your car. And it also means spending less on clothing and other work-related items.

28. Do a no-spend challenge

For a certain period of time, try to only spend money on necessities like groceries and gas.

This will force you to get creative with your meals or find other cheap entertainment options that don’t break the bank.

29. Meal prep

If you don’t want to go out to eat, meal prep! Make a week’s worth of meals and prepare them for the whole family. This will not only save your time from having to cook every night but it’ll reduce cost since restaurants are more expensive than prepping your own food at home.

30. Drive one car

You’d be surprised how much money you can save by not having two cars. By driving one car, you not only save on gas but also insurance and maintenance costs.

31. Use public transportation or bike

If you’re in a city, public transportation or biking can be an affordable way to get around.

32. Shop sales instead of paying full price

Instead of paying full price for an item, go shopping during sales. You can find some great products that are on sale at really low prices at certain times of the year.

33. Buy used

Buying used items is a great way to save money. Whether you’re looking for clothes, books, or furniture, there are plenty of opportunities to find what you need at a cheaper price.

34. Get rid of debt

If you’re in debt, it’s important to know that getting out of debt will help save money. The interest and fees can really add up if you don’t do something about them quickly.

35. Workout at home

If you want to stay fit but don’t have the time or money for a gym membership, working out at home is an option. You can find workout videos online for free if you’re looking for more of a challenge.

36. Get rid of unnecessary bills and subscriptions

We’re all guilty of this one. You may have subscriptions to services you no longer use and bills that pile up for things you could do without. Examine your budget to see where you can cut costs.

37. Travel in slow seasons

If you want to reduce your travel costs, consider traveling at times when fewer people are traveling. The prices of flights and hotels are significantly cheaper than during the busy summer or winter holidays.

38. Bundle services

If you’re using a few different services, it may be worth checking to see if bundling them together would give you the best deal. For example, some cell phone providers offer discounts when you add on another service like internet or TV with your purchase of their mobile plan.

Here’s another way to bundles services that you probably haven’t thought of; Amazon Prime! With an Amazon prime membership, not only do you get free 2-day shipping, but you also get access to Amazon Music, Amazon Video.

39. Use your local library

Your local library offers a lot of options for entertainment and education. You can head in to check out books, movies, CDs, games, or even use the computers to do your online shopping without having to pay an extra monthly fee as you would have with other services.

40. Use reusable products to save money and also prevent waste

Save money by using reusable products:

  • Reusable coffee mug or thermos for your morning commute
  • Use cloth diapers instead of disposable ones to save on laundry costs and diaper changes.
  • Bring your own grocery bag with you to purchase groceries and also save on plastic bags.


We hope these frugal living tips have given you some new ideas for how to save money! If you’re still struggling with the urge to spend, it might be time to take a break from spending altogether. It’s not always easy to save money, but we’ve got some great tips that can help you get started.  

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